10 Ways Your Story Makes all the Difference!

Happy New Year! 

I hope you enjoyed the holidays and are busy
planning for the best year yet!

I’m really excited for the great gifts that this
year will bring.  I can guess some of them, but I
reckon the best are the ones I don’t know about

I’m also incredibly excited about the new program
I’m working on…details coming really soon, you’re
going to love it!

And the next Certified Story Coach Program that
starts at the end of the month…but more on that
later too!

Here’s this week’s story, enjoy it and don’t
forget to leave a comment below!

Best wishes and best stories

10 Ways Your Story Makes All the Difference

You’ve probably heard me say it before…when you
find your story, it makes all the difference.

Here’s why.

1. You understand what you need to do – when you
discover your story, it shows you the path that
got you to where you are right now…and it becomes
really clear what you need to do next!

2. You find your talents and gifts – your story
helps you understand exactly what it is that you
do best and where you have found success.

3. You discover your niche – your story is the
key to finding out who you are passionate about
serving, and who will resonate with you and what
you offer

4. You discover your ideal client – you story
helps you see who it is that you LOVE working with
and who loves working with you

5. You feel comfortable talking about you – your
story takes the stress out of having to explain to
people what you do so that they actually get it! 

6. You discover your compelling message – when
you figure out your story, you know what is that
one compelling message that gets you and everyone
else SUPER motivated

7. You attract ideal clients – you can stop
chasing clients, they’ll find you and they will be
willing to pay you for what you do!

8. You build your business your way – finding
your story and using it to build your business
means that that you will show up with authentic
presence.  It’s your authentic style, approach and
personality that will win hearts and make perfect
business sense.

9. You’ll have more time – as you begin to
realize even more success, you will be able to
spend more time doing the things that you love in
your business and in your life.

10. You’ll make more money – your story is the
key to de-stressing your marketing so that you can
attract high-paying clients with ease

I reckon that’s enough reasons, don’t you?

So, start this New Year with the most important
resolution – To Find Your Story!

Don’t forget to leave a comment below!

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8 comments on “10 Ways Your Story Makes all the Difference!

  1. Hi Lisa–

    Happy New Year. I hear you re the above…what an adventure sorting out the many stories I have in my life…and asking why it matters, going behind and deeper looking for the “treasure” of me! and my story. Make that My Story. LOL
    Love the adventure!
    And, I want to get there…now! Guess I am in sync with the (almost) instant gratification vib — except for all the hours of notes, thinking, musing, writing…
    I am re-reading your 10 Points daily – it is so clear. Guess I am reaching for clear too.

  2. Thank you for the great information. I forget that my compelling story is very important for people (and to remind myself) why I am doing what I am doing right now!

  3. Hi Lisa,
    Thanks for the reminder of all the ways one’s story makes a difference. Although I am a certified Story Coach, I appreciated the refresher. As I read the 10-Ways on your list I realized that since my Story Coach training I have come to know the truth of each statement at a much deeper level. Thanks also for the Story Coach program.

  4. Thanks so much Lisa. You have expressed the importance of our individual life stories so well. I think the difference is that some people value and understand the worth of their own stories more than others, and know to amplify it. On the other hand, some are better story tellers. That is a unique gift. ‘Your gift makes way for you’ the bible says. So run with it. Cheers!

    • Thanks for joining the conversation Grace, I agree some people do know the value of the stories, some need to be awakened to it! warm wishes, Lisa

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