This little story crossed my path this week (a version I had not heard before!).
*Naked Truth and Parable*
Naked Truth walked down the street one day.
People turned their eyes away.
Parable arrived, draped in decoration.
People greeted Parable with celebration.
Naked Truth sat alone, sad and un-attired,
“Why are you so miserable?” Parable inquired.
Naked Truth replied, “I’m not welcome anymore.
No one wants to see me. They chase me from their door.”
“It is hard to look at Naked Truth,” Parable explained.
“Let me dress you up a bit. Your welcome will be gained.”
Parable dressed Naked Truth in story’s fine attire,
With metaphor, poignant prose, and plots to inspire,
With laughter and tears and adventure to unveil,
Together they went forth to spin a tale.
People opened their doors and served them their best.
Naked Truth dressed in story was a welcome guest.
A Jewish tale retold as a poem by Heather Forest –
It occurs to me that you have to be able to see truth fully naked and spread out in all her glory, before you can dress her in her fine story attire.
Or perhaps it works the other way around. For every story we hear or tell we need to undress sufficiently until we can see the beautiful truth.
I wonder how often are we brave enough to look her in the eye and allow her into our hearts.
Recently, I have started to find some surprising truths hiding in my stories.
I imagine you may be asking, what if truth is ugly and painful?
Well, I don’t think it is. I think it’s our story that can turn ugly and give us pain.
If you are telling a story of pain or sadness, if you are living a life of struggle…it’s your story.
If you are experiencing joy and abundance, it’s your story.
If you can’t seem to find your way to acceptance and peace, it’s your story.
These are questions that have intrigued me for years.
One of the ways that I explore the power of story is with the Work of Byron Katie.
I believe you will find this inspiring!
And please leave a comment or reaction below!
Best wishes and best stories
Thanks Lisa for this 2 pieces of wisdom:) priceless.
thanks Serban….great to see you here!
WONDERFUL! I love the wise poem and so true when it comes to storytelling. Thank you for sharing.
Thanks Mindy…great to hear from you!
A wise story from a wise tradition, one often told, but not with the caveat that you've introduced. Yes, sometimes we have to undress the story we tell about ourselves… too easy sometimes to mislead ourselves with "that's my story and I'm sticking to it." It reminds me of the story of the Tailor… "he wore it and wore it until he wore it out." Some of the stories we tell about ourselves get worn out. On the other hand, having gotten naked… looked at our naked story and getting ready to dress it up, we can remember that we have a whole wardrobe to pick from, and so we can 'dress for the occasion' and tell our story in different ways. Thanks again Lisa for provoking your readers with your thoughtful questions.
Yes Bob, I love the story of the tailor…and probably this is the basis of story coaching…how many of our story are all worn out! Lovely comments, thanks
I always loved this story and I love your thoughts (and questions) around it. Stories are there when we need them and like good friends they tell us the truth (which can sometimes be inconvenient or painful, yes). Thanks Lisa, for letting us think about story so frequently 🙂
Thanks Peter…your comments are always a gift!
I always loved this story and I love your thoughts (and questions) around it. Stories are there when we need them and like good friends they tell us the truth (which can sometimes be inconvenient or painful, yes). Thanks Lisa, for letting us think about story so frequently 🙂