Bring it Back

He used to arrive to the classroom with a huge overloaded bag. He slam it on his desk and then dip into the bag to take out a book. He’d look at the title, scan the room and then throw it out to one of us, his students of English.

Of course he was young and handsome too, so that helped, but in truth, I had never felt so appreciated and so capable in school before. You see, he had identified me as a reader. Up to that point I read all I could get my hands on, including my mother’s book-club books, especially the ones that were a little beyond my age. I got a great education there.

But when it came to reading great books, it was Niall that sent them my way. That is, Mr MacMonagle – I only came to call him Niall years later. He was the mythological teacher – think ‘Dead Poet’s Society’ – he showed us the magic and beauty of great literature and it taught us that anything is possible and there is infinite beauty in the world accessible through great poetry and great books.

And I loved it – books really were my first love – and now I had someone who would nurture my passion and show me the way. It was wonderful.

For all my years of high school, after Niall appeared on the scene, I had something to look forward to – not just the great classes, but the wonderful books he passed my way. That was when I got used to reading at least one novel a week.

Just recently, I was thinking about how  I haven’t read a novel for months. Now don’t get me wrong, I haven’t stopped reading, but it’s usually non-fiction, books that teach me something new, or books that enhance my work. I enjoy them immensely too, but it’s not like the joy I felt reading novels.

It’s made me realize how easily we sell out. How simple it is to give up on the thing you love, the passion you once lived day to day.
And it’s the same in business. We chase the bright shiny object, the so-called sure way to make a buck, the thing that everything says we ‘SHOULD’ be doing. And forgot our passion, forget what gives us most meaning and joy.

Do you know what gives you great joy in your business? Are you clear on what is the big passion? Are you spending enough time on it in your business?

So with this realization, I’ve decided to take action. It’s my promise and commitment to myself and my wish for you.

To reconnect to that passion, to the joy, to that thing that gives meaning and direction

To get back to reading novels regularly.

To spend more time on what I’m passionate about.

To give up on what I feel I ‘should’ be doing, in my life and my work and concentrate on what I want to do and what feels right.

What can you give up on, or reconnect to that will bring back joy and meaning?

Share it here.

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