5 Secrets to Making Your Story Stick (so you get hired NOW)

Everyone is talking about the Power of Story – but very few people are actually telling you HOW to create powerful stories and what to do with them when you do!

I want to give you some super-powerful tips so that your stories stick and cause people to engage with you at a whole new level.

Your story is your card to credibility.  If you’re telling a REAL story, it’s the reason you know what you know and have created the support systems and services to serve your client best. 

You see, your story is the key to getting people to hire you; this is how to make your story stand out:

  1. Decide on what your intention is in telling the story –don’t forget when you serve others, the story is more compelling!
  2. Make sure you understand who you are telling your story to.  That way, you can focus on what’s important for them.
  3. Tell a story about a specific moment – focus in on the time, place, what you wore, who was there, the weather – you name it just describe enough so that people can really live it with you!
  4. Don’t describe blow by blow how you felt, let them experience your emotional journey by describing what you noticed in the moment. 
  5. Remember to add a call to action, what are you asking your listener to do? It may be as simple as ‘please share’ – if you ask, they will (and by the way, please share this!!)

Your story is the key to your success!

Let me know which of these 5 secrets are easy-peasy, and which are challenging you, in the comments below 

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