Not Looking – Day 23

Dare to Tell – Day 23

Karen’s Story

Not Looking

It was New Year’s Eve when I met my sweetie.

He was 58 years old.  Since he was a child he had an eye condition.  How would I describe it?  They were wobbly and cross-eyed.  He could never look people straight in the eye.  He would go out to a restaurant and friends would complain that he didn’t say hello.  They didn’t realize that he couldn’t see well enough to notice them.

As a child from a wealthy family he was taken everywhere to try and fix this condition.  The very best doctors were visited all around the world.  They said there was nothing to be done.  Freddy has been extremely successful in business and life.  The one thing that he never managed to fix was his eyesight.

It was on our third date that I asked him about it.  He told me that he had tried everything and nothing else was possible.  As I realized that it was unacceptable to me that Freddy was going blind, I had a powerful intuitive moment.  I had this clear knowing “I am going to help him heal his eyesight”.

If I had an inclination as to how I was going to do that, I think I would have assumed that it would be by one of my contacts in the world of non-conventional treatment and healing.  It occurred to me that I would probably have to drag him to Mexico or somewhere even further.  But I just knew it.  I was going to help him heal.

A year later I was visiting a friend.  The name of Freddy’s eye condition was on my mind.  I started googling and within a relatively short time I found one doctor that was mentioned every time this condition showed up.

He was a pediatric ophthalmologist and it was clear that he had treated hundreds of babies and children with a similar condition.  He lived on the other side of the country.

I gave the information to Freddy.  Freddy sent his records to the doctor to review.

On a Saturday morning, a couple weeks later, Freddy was reading the newspaper.  He noticed in the ‘obituaries’ that the very same doctor’s father had died…in our town. He called the doctor’s office, and set up an appointment.

It was a Friday when Dr. Rich Hertle saw Freddy and examined his eyes and his history.  The next day he did a simple out-patient procedure.

Before meeting Rich Hertle, Freddy was getting ready to be ‘legally blind’.  He was preparing to stop driving and make huge changes in his life.  In one day during a short visit to this doctor, a lifetime was changed, Freddy got his future back.

It was a miracle.

A few days later, through teary eyes that would soon finish healing, Freddy said, “I owe you”.

“No you don’t,” I replied, “you would have found this out eventually yourself”.

Freddy’s reply resonated far beyond this moment when he said “No, I wasn’t looking, I’d given up a long time ago”.


– Karen A. Cappello PCC BCC is a Mentor Coach, Karen Cappello Coaching

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