Spring Clean for Success

Spring is here!

Warmer weather, flowers everywhere and a fresh feeling in the air.

Whether you are celebrating Easter or Passover or any other seasonal festival, the chances are you’ve been doing some cleaning and sorting, organizing and maybe disposing.

I love that it’s the perfect opportunity to think about what we really need; what we don’t have space for and what we can let go of.

It seems to me that this is so important when it comes to running a business.

It’s also what happens in a good coaching session.

I want to explore this on a few levels.  Will you join me?

So let’s take your physical space. 

How do you feel when you go into your office and sit down to work? 

Is the space comfortable and clutter free? 

Do you feel stressed about the filing you need to do or the drawers filled with papers that you haven’t yet sorted? 

Does your office become a storage place for toys, bags or junk belonging to other members of the family?  I can really relate to this one!

And let’s consider your mental and emotional space.

Are you living in stories of stress and overwhelm?

Do you have a scarcity mindset – are you worried about having enough income or the rising costs of your business and life?

Do you work too hard and support your clients, family and friends without considering your own needs?

Well, spring is here.

It’s time to clean up your life!

Here are 3 simple ideas – no excuses, do it today!

  1. Take a morning to sort out your physical space. Clean out the drawers, tidy your table and get rid of the items that should not be there. You’ve been avoiding this forever, but it’ll only take a few hours to sort out. 
  2. Acknowledge that we are living in an abundant universe. We don’t have to create abundance, we simply have to recognize and open up to what is already there. Once you truly accept this, you’re life and business will change.
  3. Create a practice of daily gratitude, and I mean a practice, not just a thought. One way is to take a moment during your daily family meal to simple say thanks for something great that happened that day. Another is to keep a notebook beside your bed and write down 3 reasons your grateful when you wake in the morning and when you go to sleep at night.

Even if you take me up on one of these simple ideas, it will change your life. I’m not kidding; it will literally change your life!

What will you commit to today? What are you cleaning up in your life? Share it below!

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